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by Simon Moret 13 Nov 2024

Can gel blaster guns cause injury?

In a previous article, we explored whether gel blasters are safe for both humans and the environment. Today, let's focus on the potential injuries they may cause. Once again, remember that while gel blasters are generally considered safe, it's still crucial to use them responsibly, clean up after use, and follow local safety and disposal regulations.

While the risks are generally lower compared to traditional airsoft or paintball guns, gel blasters are less likely to cause serious harm but can still result in injuries under certain conditions. Any toy with a projectile has the potential to cause harm, especially to the face or eyes.

Which kind of injuries can a gel blaster cause?

Gel guns are gaining in popularity but can cause injuries if used incorrectly. Here are some potential injuries:

  • While the gel balls used are generally soft and water-based, they can still be harmful if fired at close range, on sensitive areas of the body, or with sufficient force, causing temporary welts, redness, or bruising, especially if the blaster is high-powered.
  • The most significant risk is eye injury. Indeed, if a gel ball hits the eye directly, it can cause serious damage, including pain, redness, or even more severe injuries such as blindness.
  • Extended exposure to gel balls may also lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions.
  • A shot to the face, particularly around the mouth or teeth, can cause discomfort or, in rare cases, even damage.

What should I do to minimize injury risks from gel blasters?

Social media challenges may encourage the misuse of gel blasters; don’t be fooled! To minimize the risk of injury, it’s important to use gel blasters correctly and responsibly and to follow safety guidelines, such as:

  • Wearing protective gear like safety goggles (that's why all of our gel blasters come with eye protection)
  • Ensuring the gel blaster is used in a safe and controlled environment
  • Avoiding shooting at people's faces or sensitive areas
  • Using age-appropriate gel blasters
  • Following local laws and regulations

What’s about the environment ?

Although gel balls are made from water-based and biodegradable materials that break down over time, their excessive use in large quantities can still impact the local environment. Always ensure that you clean up the play area thoroughly after your game.

Some gel blasters or accessories may contain non-biodegradable plastic components that can contribute to environmental pollution if not disposed of properly. Discarded gel balls or plastic parts can pose risks to local wildlife, especially if animals ingest these materials. Therefore, always make sure to clean up and avoid leaving any waste behind after your game.

Special message for parents of young gel blaster enthusiasts

Supervise your child or teen when playing with toy guns. Closely monitoring your child while they play with a toy gun gives you the opportunity to teach them to respect the potential risks, adopt proper behavior, and open the door for conversations about safety.

For more information, take a look at our article answering the question, Are gel blasters safe for kids?


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